Take the Star Back Campaign

Take the Star Back Campaign

Sunday, May 17, 2020

Excerpt from TAKE BACK THE STAR!

Here is an Excerpt from the Upcoming Books on How to SAVE AMERICA by taking BACK THE STAR! 

This is the unedited Introduction!  Please provide feedback.


The Aristo-Creeps will not stop.  

They will not stop until they destroyed everything American:  Our love of God, Church, Family, Guns, Individuality, Freedom-and most important-till they destroy all Happiness.  Our forefathers escaped the tyranny of the Aristocrats, Emperors, Kings and other Dictators from all over the world, to come to these shores for Freedom, only to have the creation of new enclaves of slavers and the rise of a new class of Aristocrat wannabes.  

It is not about politics.  The Democrat party is just what they call themselves.  When they remove every vestige of God from the Party Plank and replaced it with “faith” in 2012, they were telling us all something.  They have abandoned God the Father, and their new god is government.  All of the endemic diseases of the Dopey-Utopia follow.  This is the new religion at the core of the problem.  

Half the country has been taken over by this disease.  Our Half is not going to give up our Guns, Families, Freedom, or God.  Confrontation is inevitable.  As the great conservative                once said. “It is 1850 all over again, and we will either be a country that is Biblical based and Free, or Statist and slave.”

City after city falls to a permanent one party rule, Democrat rule, which leads to a permanent hereditary class of bureaucrats style themselves as elites with the right to dictate to the rest of us how to live our lives. The evil metastasizes from the cites until it kills the whole State.  State after State falls to one party democratic rule.  Like locust the elites despoil one area after another.  If nothing is done, the Evil of the Democratic Party will kill the United States.

But as JP II use to say:  “Be not afraid.”

We have remedies.

The Founding Fathers have provided mechanisms for us to use.

First, Counties within States can unite to join each other and form new states, as we say, start a Campaign to “Take Back Our Star Campaign.”  There is Historical Precedent for this, see below.

Second, since Congress can make a State from a Territory, Congress can demote a State into a Territory.  And yes, then they loose their Star, and their Senators, and their voting privilege in Congress.  And why not, they have failed the test of self representation.

The fiscal irresponsibility of the cites has now over run States like California, Connecticut, Illinois, and New Jersey.  If these entities were businesses their executives would be locked up for fraud, and the businesses dissolved.  The only reason they haven’t folded is because no one has challenged them.  No one has called them out for what they are: Insolvent.  Yet these States continue to spend money they don’t have and take on debt they can not pay back.  The fact is, these States are Bankrupt.  If it wasn’t for everyone looking the other way, and the promise that ultimately they are going to look to the Federal Government and all of the rest of us to bail them out, these entities would have folded long ago.

Failure to kill this evil, failure to hold these fiscally irresponsible States accountable, will put all of the rest of us on the hook for them.  Failure to call them bankrupt will bring down the United States.


Thursday, April 23, 2020

WHY Bankruptcy is an OPTION for the Blue States and WHY We should allow this....

Here is the link to a news article about it.

Simply put, states can lose their STAR, or their position as a State within the Union.  There are a number of reasons that this can happen, which are described in the book.  These reasons are founded in the principles of our founding, the writings of the founders, history of our country as well as the Constitution itself.  ANY STATE can have this happen.

The State would revert back into territory status and be re-organized.  The Federal Government would appoint someone to take the lead in reorganization similar to what Lee Iaccoca did for Chrysler, leaving county governments as the highest form of government until a new Constitution is reached and put in place to fix the reasons for the collapse of the state.

While the State is in territorial status; portions of that former state may come together in their own Convention to form a new state from a portion of the wreckage of the old state.

We at the Take the Star Back Campaign have been working on this idea for some time.  We are weeks away from putting out a publication on the rationale, method and implementation of how we can fix the Dopey-Utopia States who have driven themselves to the point of bankruptcy, driven their citizens to leave the state and hurt our country as a whole.

Both John, my brother, and I have been working on this book.  For Media contacts and other inquiries please feel free to contact us through the contact form below.

-James Baldini

Background on the Authors:

James Baldini: Candidate for 5th District of New Jersey who is also a school teacher.  He has a degree in history and education.  He also hold a Masters in Educational Leadership.  He is a conservative who is willing to work hard to change our system of government!

John Baldini: A Trial Attorney in the Philadelphia area, focusing on Criminal Law. Has nine children, including one that is a Sargent in the infantry who has just returned from Afghanistan.  He has a Juris Doctorate from Temple University and also holds a Degree in History.  He is a conservative who is fed up with the way that Political Elites have ruined our cities and homes.